Success Stories

“I'm pleased to be able to report that I successfully completed the CPPO certification in October. A prep course was not offered and there was no study group in my area so your question of the day was a major and invaluable resource to my success. Thanks so much for your assistance. All the best.”


“I just wanted to let you know I passed my exam today and wanted to THANK YOU for all you do because you were a HUGE part of me understanding and preparing.”


“I just wanted to express my sincere thanks for engaging me and making me think intelligently about the questions and the CPPO study materials. I found out Monday via letter from the UPPCC that I had obtained the CPPO certification. I owe you a lot of gratitude for your guidance and feedback in my achievement in this great honor.”


“Thank you for the questions of the day, David. I was able to successfully pass the CPPB exam this week and the questions and test-taking tips were a big help. I will continue to recommend them to anyone preparing to take the exam.” -WL • “I just wanted to let you know I passed my exam today and wanted to THANK YOU for all you do because you were a HUGE part of me understanding and preparing.” -MB • “I think the best prep of all has been the question of the day. I look forward to receiving it and feel very proud of myself when I know the answer right off. What a fantastic study tool. Thank you for doing it.” -LS •

“Thank you for the questions of the day, David. I was able to successfully pass the CPPB exam this week and the questions and test-taking tips were a big help. I will continue to recommend them to anyone preparing to take the exam.” -WL • “I just wanted to let you know I passed my exam today and wanted to THANK YOU for all you do because you were a HUGE part of me understanding and preparing.” -MB • “I think the best prep of all has been the question of the day. I look forward to receiving it and feel very proud of myself when I know the answer right off. What a fantastic study tool. Thank you for doing it.” -LS •

We’d Love to Hear Your Success Story

If you successfully used QOTD to achieve your certification, we invite you to complete the form below to share your journey.